Tag: Vision

August 21, 2018
FTP brings the forest-based bioeconomy in Slovakia closer
NSG Slovakia is on the verge of improving strategic processes and projects in the forest-based bio-economy. From September 2018, a national FTP hub, in collaboration with the LignoSilva Center of Excellence and the BIOEAST initiative, will boost the necessary synergies between the circular economy, the bioeconomy and the forest-based sector. The main goal of the hub […]

July 6, 2018
FTP AC meeting exchange of experiences with Textile ETP
The 44th FTP Advisory Committee (AC) meeting took place on 12 June 2018 in Brussels with the attendance of representatives from nine countries, as well as FTP shareholders, research umbrella organizations, and observers from the European Commission. At the meeting, participants discussed the revision of the current FTP Vision document, news from the National Support […]

May 28, 2018
Updates for FTP Vision and Research & Innovation Agenda Documents
As we enter the final phase of Horizon 2020, it is time for FTP to take stock and look ahead to the EU’s research and innovation framework programme 9 (FP9): Horizon Europe. In 2005 the European forest-based sector developed a bold vision, aiming at a variety of targets essential for building a new forest-based sector […]

September 13, 2017
European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel wrestles with agreement on a European Bioeconomy Manifesto
The Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel is still struggling with the important milestone of finalizing the European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Manifesto. This document is expected to be officially published on European Bioeconomy Day, set for mid-November. With 28 “building blocks” of which three are still being debated, the Manifesto aims to express the views of all stakeholder groups […]

The bioeconomy age no longer science fiction
Lignin, nanocellulose, cross-laminated timber, biochemicals, biofuels, wood-based packaging, forest fibre textiles and countless materials and products of biological origin, particularly from forests, can replace a range of fossil fuel and non-renewable materials; these products can also have enhanced energy efficiency or environmental performance. To assume that these biobased materials and products will trigger a paradigm […]

European Bioeconomy Panel reaches consensus on draft Bioeconomy Manifesto
Amendments proposed by FTP helped to untangle the last critical issues in the draft Bioeconomy Manifesto under preparation by the members of the European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel during the Panel’s two-day meeting held on 6-7 July 2017. With this break-through, a signing of the Bioeconomy Stakeholders Manifesto is within reach. “A European Bioeconomy Manifesto […]

Top advisors call for increased EU investment in research and innovation
Europe must capitalise better on the knowledge it produces, and turn its innovation potential into economic growth. Research and innovation should be prioritised in EU and national budgets, with a doubling of the budget of the successor to Horizon 2020, the current EU research and innovation programme. And it should involve citizens in addressing global […]
Increase visibility of impact of research and innovation for European citizens
European forest-based sector stakeholders are convinced that the next EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme (FP9) can significantly increase the visibility of its impact by implementing measures and building on the lessons learnt during the lifespan of Horizon 2020. In a position paper released today, the sector confirms its commitment to working together with the […]

February 20, 2019
Vision 2040
FTP’s core document, Vision 2040 of the European forest-based sector, looks ahead at maximizing the potential of research and innovation in the forest-based sector to bring about resilient ecosystems, smart products and social growth within the circular bioeconomy. “Knowledge and investment, which leads to a sustainable increase in wood production, is the basis for the […]

November 26, 2018
10 Vision Targets for 2040
1. Sustainable forest management, biodiversity and resilience to climate change The importance of sustainable and multifunctional forest management is widely acknowledged, due to its benefits for society. Resilient and diverse European forests, managed through different types of ownership, provide a wide array of forest ecosystem services including raw material production, climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and protection of water-related ecosystems. 2. Increased, sustainable wood production and […]