April 25, 2018
Just released: European Raw Materials Research and Innovation Roadmap 2050
On 17 April 2018, the final conference of the VERAM project marked the release of a Research and Innovation Roadmap 2050, jointly developed by the European raw materials sectors. With close to 180 concrete activities, cross-cutting the minerals, metals and biotic raw materials value chains, it is the only European research and innovation roadmap for […]

March 15, 2018
In the spotlight: research and innovation roadmap for European raw materials
Johan Elvnert, Managing Director of the Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP) has been leading the VERAM activities related to the establishment and consolidation of the Research and Innovation Roadmap 2050. The final conference of the EU-funded VERAM, held in Brussels, on 17 April 2018, will disseminate the vision and roadmap that lay out key research and […]

Registration open for the VERAM final conference on 17 April 2018
EU Raw Materials 2050: Roadmap to Success Registration for the final conference of the project VERAM – Vision and Roadmap 2050 for European Raw Materials, is now open. The EU Raw Materials 2050: Roadmap to Success conference will take place on 17 April 2018, at Palais des Académies/Paleis der Academiën, in Brussels. Research and innovation […]
March 1, 2018
EU Raw Materials 2050: Roadmap to Success
The final conference of the VERAM project, Brussels, 17 April 2018 The final conference of the VERAM project – Vision and Roadmap for European Raw Materials in 2050 – will take place in Brussels on 17 April 2018. Join us for the launch of this far-reaching research and innovation vision and roadmap for 2050, and […]

December 21, 2017
Consultation on the Raw Materials Roadmap extended to 15 January 2018
The deadline for the consultation on the Research and Innovation Roadmap 2050 for European Raw Materials has been extended. Stakeholders are invited to submit their input no later than by 15 January 2018. Go to the consultation page and read the instructions on how to participate. The consultation gives your organisation a timely chance to […]

November 21, 2017
Have your say on future research and innovation priorities for the European raw materials sector
The VERAM Research and Innovation Roadmap 2050 for the European raw materials is now open for stakeholder’s input. The consultation gives your organisation a chance to influence future R&I funding and the evolution of the raw material sectors in the mid- and long-term perspective. The Roadmap will indirectly influence future priorities of the European Innovation Partnership […]

November 8, 2017
Raw materials stakeholders kick-off discussions on the future of the EU’s raw materials policy
The newly appointed members of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (EIP RM) convened in Brussels on 29 September 2017 for kick-off discussions at the beginning of its renewed mandate on the future objectives of the EU’s raw materials policy and its own role in implementing them. As announced in July, the chairperson of the FTP Board, Lena […]
September 14, 2017
Share your vision for European raw materials
How does your sector envision the future of raw materials up until 2050? What would be the biggest breakthroughs that are required to achieve this vision? What are the challenges that could hinder it? How could your sector contribute to achieving the vision? Share your views and ideas of the opportunities and challenges for Europea […]
What does the future for European raw materials research and innovation look like?
Partners of the EU-funded project VERAM – Vision and Roadmap for European Raw Materials will explore opportunities and develop solutions which will help shape the landscape of European raw materials research and innovation towards 2050. Save the date of 13 June 2017 on your calendar and join us to share your ideas during the VERAM Experts’ […]

WoodWisdom-NET and 8 years of successful funding for forest-based research and innovation
Four distinct Joint Calls and € 85 million to fund 62 transnational research projects during a period of eight years. The positive balance of the WoodWisdom-Net Research Programme and its consistent contribution to advance the research and innovation agenda of the European forest-based sector was presented during the 9th Programme Seminar on 4-5 April 2017 […]