Tag: RIA 4.6

January 5, 2019
Advanced materials technologies
The development of advanced materials and composites allowing new functionalities and improved performance is indispensable for the competitiveness of forest-based industries. The rich and complex chemical and physical composition of wood, bark (including cork) and other parts of a tree, contain the potential for a wide range of innovative properties to be developed and incorporated […]

February 15, 2018
4.6 Integration of new solutions in printed products
Rationale The consumption of traditional printed media, in particular newspapers, has decreased continuously in North America and Europe and the profitability of the printing and graphic paper industry is under threat. The rapid evolution of electronic media for information and communication purposes, in particular smart phones and tablet computers, has displaced printed media from its […]
August 1, 2017
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Information and communications technology (ICT), is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is a more specific term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications, computers and the necessary software and audiovisual systems that enable users to access, store, transmit, and process information. ICT underpins innovation […]

July 28, 2017
Fulfilling consumer needs
Strategic Theme 4 Vision Target 8 Wood-based construction in Europe has tripled its market share, from the 2010 level, reaching a turnover of €200 billion, whilst the overall added value of the woodworking industries has doubled. Increased value will come from new products and services, as well as more widespread use of energy-saving modular housing […]