Tag: RIA 3.2

September 14, 2017
Seminar discussed cross-sectoral synergies to unleash innovation potential in forestry, fuel and transportation
Unleashing innovation potential through cross-sectoral synergies and cooperation was the focus of the seminar Innovation in Forest, Fuel and Freight held by three Swedish advocacy platforms for sustainable forestry, renewable transportation fuels and transport innovation under the auspices of the Swedish Innovation Agency Vinnova in the event organised in Brussels on April 28th. Representing the views […]

September 13, 2017
Unleashing the full power of research and innovation
FTP seeks to align public funding for research and innovation with proper technological developments to reduce GHG emissions and improve forest management and land use With its unique innovation portfolio and many technological solutions, the forest-based sector can foster the transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system and contribute to reducing the emission […]

The forest sector has a vast potential to provide climate benefits
The positive impact and potential of sustainable forestry in climate and energy policies should be better recognized, claimed forestry experts at a press breakfast organized at the European Forestry House (EFH) on 12 July 2017, the day after the European Parliament’s Environmental Committee (ENVI) voted on the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from the […]

Bioproduct mill starts up in Finland
The next-generation bioproduct mill in Äänekoski, Finland, came into operation on 15 August 2017, Metsä Group announced this week. With a budget of approximately € 1.2 billion, this is the largest investment of the forest-based industry in Finland. Pulp deliveries from the new mill to customers will begin in early September 2017. The bioproduct mill […]

February 15, 2018
3.2 Renewable energy solutions
Rationale Energy from renewable sources meets approximately 13% of primary energy demand in the EU, with biomass playing the greatest role (over 60%, compared to hydropower at 30%). Wood-based biomass dominates biomass resources. In order to meet the EU’s 2020 energy targets, significant amounts of (woody) biomass have to be effectively converted to green electricity, […]
January 5, 2019
Societal Challenge 3
Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy The specific objective of the Work Programme Societal Challenge 3, as described in Horizon 2020, is to make the transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system, in the context of increasingly-scarce resources, growing energy needs and climate change. Updated on a biannual basis, the Work Programme Societal Challenge […]
August 1, 2017
Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful products. The forest-based sector uses biotechnology in many processes today and this is expected to increase as the sector evolves to become a cornerstone of Europe’s future bio-society. Examples of current uses include process water treatment with microbes and the use […]

July 28, 2017
Creating industrial leadership
Strategic Theme 3 Vision Target 4 Activities to foster resource efficiency have resulted in a significant reduction in specific energy consumption, specific raw material input and specific water use in the forest-based industries. Vision Target 5 The forest-based sector is taking advantage of its long experience in biorefining to help the process achieve its full […]