Tag: RIA 3.1

April 3, 2018
New transnational Call ForestValue on the forest bioeconomy launched
As of 17 October 2017, a new transnational ERA-NET Cofund Call ‘ForestValue– Innovating forest-based bioeconomy‘, has been launched for joint European research, development and innovation proposals in the field of the forest bioeconomy. With a total available budget of over € 40 million, the joint European Call contributes to transforming the current resource-intensive economy to a sustainable biobased […]
September 14, 2017
NSG Slovenia leads research consortium awarded €45 million RTD grant
With a grant of close to €15 million awarded by the European Commission and topped up with an additional €30 million from the Government of Slovenia, a consortium of Slovene partners led by the University of Primorska and FTP NSG Slovenia will establish the Renewable Materials and Healthy Environments Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence […]

Apply by 31 January to become a member of the EIP on Raw Materials
The European Commission’s DG GROW is calling for the applications of new members to make up the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (EIP-RM). The deadline for applications is 31 January 2017. A stronger representation of the forest-based sector in the new membership of the Operational Groups is expected and a subgroup dedicated to biotic […]
September 13, 2017
The BBI JU Call 2017 will release € 81 million of funding for the European biobased industries
The BBI JU Call 2017 of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) features several topics relevant for the forest-based sector, falling under the areas of the FTP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. Out of 16 topics covering all possible types of actions, FTP has identified topics that address activities within ‘Integrated biorefinery concepts’ (RIA […]

Demand-driven needs to steer the raw materials sector into the future
Raw material value chains in Europe must be equipped for addressing consumer- and market-driven needs, as well as the grand societal challenges in order to remain competitive and sustainable by 2050. This conclusion was the main takeaway conveyed to VERAM partners by the European Commission at the VERAM Experts’ Workshop, held in Brussels on 13 […]

FTP nominated as a member of the EIP Raw Materials
The chairperson of the FTP Board, Lena Ek, has been nominated as a member of the High-Level Steering Group (HLSG) of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (EIP RM), and FTP Managing Director, Johan Elvnert, has been appointed as member of the Operational Group (OG). The information was announced on 18 July 2017 by […]

Bioproduct mill starts up in Finland
The next-generation bioproduct mill in Äänekoski, Finland, came into operation on 15 August 2017, Metsä Group announced this week. With a budget of approximately € 1.2 billion, this is the largest investment of the forest-based industry in Finland. Pulp deliveries from the new mill to customers will begin in early September 2017. The bioproduct mill […]

February 15, 2018
3.1 Resource efficiency in manufacturing
Rationale A growing world population and people’s legitimate claims for better living standards in less developed countries are putting increasing pressure on natural resources. The sustainable solution to meeting these needs with available resources is to significantly increase resource efficiency in the area of raw materials and energy. The European Union’s 2020 Strategy contains a […]
January 5, 2019
Societal Challenge 5
Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials The specific objective of the Work Programme Societal Challenge 5 (SC5) is to develop a resource-efficient economy that is resilient to climate change, together with a sustainable supply of raw materials, in order to meet the needs of a growing global population within the sustainable limits of […]
Innovation in SMEs
Horizon 2020 has set up a dedicated instrument for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Innovation in SMEs. It provides direct financial support as well as an indirect contribution through a series of actions intended to increase the innovation capacity of these types of companies. The instrument is aimed at “creating a favourable ecosystem for SME […]