Tag: RIA 2.3
August 1, 2017
Space technologies
The forest-based sector already depends on ‘space technology’ in the form of global positioning systems, remote sensing technologies and geo-information technologies. In particular, optimising large-scale forest management, inventory, harvesting and transport operations relies increasingly upon these technologies. Space technology is also important for tracking the trade in legal and illegal wood, monitoring changes in forest […]
Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful products. The forest-based sector uses biotechnology in many processes today and this is expected to increase as the sector evolves to become a cornerstone of Europe’s future bio-society. Examples of current uses include process water treatment with microbes and the use […]

July 28, 2017
Responsible management of forest resources
Strategic Theme 2 Vision Target 1 A resilient and diverse European forest is sustainably managed by a variety of owners and owner cooperatives who, assisted by new multi-purpose management systems, provide all the functions of the forest including raw material production, biodiversity and recreational opportunities. Vision Target 2 In many regions, specific forest growth […]

March 7, 2017
2.3 Enhanced biomass production
Rationale The forest-based sector contributes to the mitigation of increasing concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere by, among other things, storing carbon in sustainably-managed forests and increasing forest biomass production. The intelligent and efficient production and use of biomass are core activities of the European forest-based sector. State of the Art 2012 From a biomass […]