Tag: RIA 2.1

April 3, 2018
New transnational Call ForestValue on the forest bioeconomy launched
As of 17 October 2017, a new transnational ERA-NET Cofund Call ‘ForestValue– Innovating forest-based bioeconomy‘, has been launched for joint European research, development and innovation proposals in the field of the forest bioeconomy. With a total available budget of over € 40 million, the joint European Call contributes to transforming the current resource-intensive economy to a sustainable biobased […]

September 14, 2017
NSG Austria ranks priorities for its national research and innovation
In an exemplary initiative, the Austrian forest-based sector has identified top research and innovation areas (RIAs) to concentrate its advocacy efforts upon. During 2016, the Austrian forest-based sector will focus its efforts to “Improve the reusability and recyclability of wood composites and construction materials” (RIA 2.5E), as well as in “Try out new business models […]

September 13, 2017
The forest sector has a vast potential to provide climate benefits
The positive impact and potential of sustainable forestry in climate and energy policies should be better recognized, claimed forestry experts at a press breakfast organized at the European Forestry House (EFH) on 12 July 2017, the day after the European Parliament’s Environmental Committee (ENVI) voted on the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from the […]

February 15, 2018
2.1 Multi-purpose management of forests
Rationale European forestry has focused traditionally on sustainable wood production albeit with major differences from region to region. However, this singleuse focus does not embrace the rich offering of goods and services forests can provide, such as nature conservation, watershed management, recreation, soil preservation, raw material production and carbon sequestration. For many owners the forest […]
January 5, 2019
Societal Challenge 5
Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials The specific objective of the Work Programme Societal Challenge 5 (SC5) is to develop a resource-efficient economy that is resilient to climate change, together with a sustainable supply of raw materials, in order to meet the needs of a growing global population within the sustainable limits of […]
Innovation in SMEs
Horizon 2020 has set up a dedicated instrument for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Innovation in SMEs. It provides direct financial support as well as an indirect contribution through a series of actions intended to increase the innovation capacity of these types of companies. The instrument is aimed at “creating a favourable ecosystem for SME […]
August 1, 2017
Space technologies
The forest-based sector already depends on ‘space technology’ in the form of global positioning systems, remote sensing technologies and geo-information technologies. In particular, optimising large-scale forest management, inventory, harvesting and transport operations relies increasingly upon these technologies. Space technology is also important for tracking the trade in legal and illegal wood, monitoring changes in forest […]

July 28, 2017
Responsible management of forest resources
Strategic Theme 2 Vision Target 1 A resilient and diverse European forest is sustainably managed by a variety of owners and owner cooperatives who, assisted by new multi-purpose management systems, provide all the functions of the forest including raw material production, biodiversity and recreational opportunities. Vision Target 2 In many regions, specific forest growth […]