Tag: Resource efficiency

July 6, 2018
FTP joins new EU project
The European wood processing industries and the waste management sector have joined forces to increase expertise of wood waste collection and recycling in the construction sector. WoodCircus is a joint project initiative of FTP and 17 European research organizations and companies. Led by VTT (Finland), the project will evaluate the sector’s efficiency and recycling performance, […]

December 11, 2017
Raw materials innovation partnership ready to act within changing technology and policy context
The 4th meeting of the High Level Steering Group (HLSG) of the European Innovation Partnership for Raw Materials (EIP-RM) took place in Brussels on 1st December. As an outcome of previous discussions with the Sherpas and EIP-RM stakeholders, the European Commission (EC) proposed a position paper on future orientations for the EIP-RM and the European […]

September 14, 2017
Novel concepts of biorefineries on the spot
In three intensive days, the 7th edition of the Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), that finished on 30 March 2017 in Stockholm, showcased the latest innovative, wood-based biorefineries, novel production processes and evolving concepts of biorefineries. A flagship concept, the industrial ecosystems around the bioproduct mill that Metsä Fibre is finalising in Äänekoski (Finland) was […]

February 15, 2018
3.1 Resource efficiency in manufacturing
Rationale A growing world population and people’s legitimate claims for better living standards in less developed countries are putting increasing pressure on natural resources. The sustainable solution to meeting these needs with available resources is to significantly increase resource efficiency in the area of raw materials and energy. The European Union’s 2020 Strategy contains a […]

2.5 Resource-efficient use, reuse and recycling systems
Rationale Wood and wood-based products have the potential to be re-used repeatedly as raw material. Waste from harvesting operations and wood processing is regularly used as high-value raw material for other types of processing. Low-value treetops and branches, stumps and roots, crude tall oil and other first and second generation biorefinery products contain chemically-attractive components […]

March 7, 2017
3.4 Biorefinery concepts
Rationale Reducing our dependence on non-renewable resources for energy, but also consumer products, is a central objective of the EU. Building alternative value chains based on biomass is one of the solutions. In such value chains existing biorefinery units (e.g. pulp and sawmills) play an essential role as they can supply the downstream value chain […]