Tag: Research Projects

March 20, 2024
The Future of Forestry might be closer than you think
This year, the International Day of Forests brings to light the innovation in the Forest-based sector with the theme “Forests and Innovation: New Solutions for a Better World”. On this occasion, FTP, together with EUSTAFOR recall the evolution of the sector and the importance of taking adequate measures to support it and to keep the […]

April 26, 2023
FTP evaluates the latest European projects in the forest-based sector
Over the past few months, FTP has been conducting research into the results of the latest European projects associated with the forest-based sector and recorded in its database. This research aims to evaluate whether these projects have achieved their initial goals and, if not, to determine the actual results. This will allow to evaluate the […]

November 6, 2022
New EUFORE project provides insights into future forest research and innovation priorities
Newly-started Horizon Europe project EUFORE (European Forest Research and Innovation Ecosystem) aims to provide insights into the future research and innovation priorities of the forest-based sector. Society is witnessing an unprecedented series of crises at a global scale, both ecological, economic and social. Forests and forestry play a key role in dealing with these challenges […]
January 11, 2018
Training: Financial Management of Horizon 2020 Projects
Financial management of Horizon 2020 projects: theoretical and practical approach Location: Brussels and Amsterdam This three day H2020 practical training is dedicated to the in-depth understanding of fundamentals of financial management of Horizon 2020 projects. Each day is divided into theoretical and practical part with many opportunities for the participants to ask specific questions related to […]
September 21, 2017
Bio, what else? How to spread the word about the bioeconomy
Communication workshop during the European Biotech Week Event: CommBeBiz Communication Workshop during European Biotech Week Date: Wednesday 27 September 2017, from 09:00 to 18:00 Venue: the European Forestry House, Rue du Luxembourg 66, 1000 Brussels / the European Parliament In the Communication Workshop organised by the EU project CommBeBiz under the umbrella event, European Biotech Week, you will learn how […]
Final Conference of the SIMWOOD
Sustainable Innovative Mobilization of Wood – SIMWOOD Lessons learned from more than 20 pilot projects Experiences shared by SMEs Demonstration of tools and products to support wood mobilisation Panel discussion Forests are a major natural resource, covering 159 million hectares or 37% of Europe’s land area (Eurostat 2013). They have multiple ecological, economic and […]
VALERIE Final Symposium
VALERIE (VaLorising European Research for Innovation in agriculture and forestry) is a 7th Framework Programme (FP7) project focusing on improving the flow of information between farmers, foresters, advisers and researchers to help drive innovation. Based on ten case studies, VALERIE has pioneered a stakeholder-driven approach to identify farming and forestry issues and match these to […]
August 2, 2017
90% indoors: Solutions for healthy and energy efficient buildings
Venue: Leopold Hotel Brussels Address: rue du Luxembourg 35, 1050, in Brussels Up to 90% of our lives is spent indoors, yet the air quality inside buildings has been shown to be 2 to 5 times poorer than outdoors. This can also true for modern energy efficient buildings due to increased insulation levels and greater air […]
Increasing impact from publicly funded research – Lessons from the bioeconomy
Dinner Debate hosted by Lieve Wierinck, MEP At European Parliament, Brussels Join to discuss how to ensure that publicly funded bioeconomy research has a positive impact on society in the European Parliament on Wednesday, 28 June 2017. The dinner debate will be hosted by MEP Lieve Wierinck, member of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee, […]
VERAM Experts’ Workshop
What does the future of European raw materials research and innovation look like? Partners of the EU project VERAM – Vision and Roadmap for European Raw Materials will explore opportunities and develop solutions which will help shape the landscape of European raw materials research and innovation towards 2050. Save the date of 13 June 2017 […]