Tag: NSG EStonia

November 20, 2017
Innovation in the forest-based sector, from idea to practice
Hosted by FTP and the Estonian National Support Group (NSG), the FTP stakeholder seminar, as part of the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) flagship conference, held in Tallinn on Tuesday October 24, was a great opportunity to meet with Estonian stakeholders and to bring more attention to the forest-based sector, under the Estonian presidency. Participants from academic institutions, […]

October 17, 2017
Registration open for the FTP seminar in Tallinn
Innovation in the forest-based sector: from idea to practice Register now for the stakeholders’ seminar “Innovation in the forest-based sector: from idea to practice” hosted by FTP and NSG Estonia, as part of the flagship conference under the Estonian presidency of the EU Council: Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common Use. Estonia is a forest-rich […]

September 13, 2017
Take the chance of presenting at the upcoming EU-presidency event in Estonia
FTP has been assisting the Ministry of the Environment of Estonia with input to the conference Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common-use (NBS 2017), a flagship event of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which will take place on 24-26 October 2017, in Tallinn. The conference programming board has now launched […]

Save the date! FTP event on 24 October in Tallinn
Estonia is a forest-rich country that has seen the impact of research and innovation reshaping its forest- and wood-based business over the past decades. Meet the forestry experts, industry leaders and funding providers behind this transformation at the FTP seminar, Innovation in the forest-based sector: from idea to practice, on 24 October 2017, in Tallinn, […]

January 3, 2019
NSG Estonia
The forest-based sector and the R&I landscape in Estonia National Support Group NSG Estonia was established in May 2007 as an initiative of the Estonian Forest and Wood Industries Association, the Estonian Furniture Industry Association, the Estonian Private Forest Union, the Ministry of the Environment (the Ministry of Climate from 2023), Tallinn University of Technology, the Estonian University […]

August 21, 2017
The forest-based sector in Estonia
Estonia is one of the most forested countries in the world. Half of the mainland is covered with mostly semi-natural forests. Forest land is more than 2,3 million hectares and the total growing stock of stands is 480 million m3. The forests stand out with abundant species, preserved thanks to a large proportion of naturally […]