Tag: NSG Austria

October 18, 2021
FTP Network meeting – Austria
The Chairs of FTP’s National Support Group in Austria organize a webinar on 19 October 2021 (10.00 to 12.00 CEST) to discuss the impact of the Green Deal on FTP research priorities, future research and development issues and other topical issues. Johan Elvnert, Secretary General of FTP will present the impact of the Green Deal […]

September 30, 2021
FTP welcomes a new member from Austria
FTP is delighted to welcome the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (Bundesforschungszentrum für Wald, BFW) as an Associate Member. BFW is an Austrian multidisciplinary training and research centre of the Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism. Their expertise extends over forest growth, silviculture and genetics, biodiversity and nature conservation, forest ecology and soil, forest […]
June 28, 2018
FTP Conference 2018
SAVE THE DATE 20 November 2018 – VIENNA FTP Conference Vision 2040: The future role of the forest bioeconomy in Europe International speakers will discuss the future: *Bioeconomy * Sustainable Development Goals * Research and Innovation needs of the Forest-based Sector in Europe Programme highlights: * A new FTP Vision for 2040 * The next EU Research Budget, Horizon Europe Prepare […]

September 14, 2017
NSG Austria ranks priorities for its national research and innovation
In an exemplary initiative, the Austrian forest-based sector has identified top research and innovation areas (RIAs) to concentrate its advocacy efforts upon. During 2016, the Austrian forest-based sector will focus its efforts to “Improve the reusability and recyclability of wood composites and construction materials” (RIA 2.5E), as well as in “Try out new business models […]

January 3, 2019
NSG Austria
The forest-based sector in Austria The National Support Group of Austria (NSG Austria) is a network of companies, associations and scientific institutions dedicated to research and innovation in the combined forestry and paper sector. It represents the interests of the sector in the research policy debate in Austria and at EU level. In this way, […]

The forest-based sector in Austria
Together with the wood, paper and board industries, forestry plays an important role in the Austrian economy. In 2012 the forestry sector accounted for only around 1.8% of GDP, and in absolute terms the gross value added amounted to 5 billion euros. However, with a foreign trade surplus of 3.69 billion euros, the export of […]