May 28, 2018
Updates for FTP Vision and Research & Innovation Agenda Documents
As we enter the final phase of Horizon 2020, it is time for FTP to take stock and look ahead to the EU’s research and innovation framework programme 9 (FP9): Horizon Europe. In 2005 the European forest-based sector developed a bold vision, aiming at a variety of targets essential for building a new forest-based sector […]
September 14, 2017
European Commission launches public consultation on Horizon 2020
The results of the public stakeholder consultation will feed into the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 and will contribute to the preparation of the next EU research and innovation funding programme. The European Commission is calling upon researchers, entrepreneurs, innovators, citizens, organisations and all stakeholders who have a say on research and innovation activities in […]
September 13, 2017
FTP SRA valuable source for SCAR studies
Recognized as a comprehensive and inclusive tool to advocate the sector’s research needs, FTP’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda can also play a role in providing input to future foresight studies carried out by the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR). To investigate potential cooperation between FTP and the Strategic Working Group (SWG), the subgroup […]

December 21, 2018
National Support Groups
Speeding up forest-based sector innovation at national level The National Support Groups (NSGs) are vital focal points for FTP at national level. Typically, they are made up of various forest-based sector stakeholder groups in a specific country and bring together researchers and industry representatives, as well as national financial and governmental bodies. The role of the […]