Tag: FP9

July 6, 2018
FTP AC meeting exchange of experiences with Textile ETP
The 44th FTP Advisory Committee (AC) meeting took place on 12 June 2018 in Brussels with the attendance of representatives from nine countries, as well as FTP shareholders, research umbrella organizations, and observers from the European Commission. At the meeting, participants discussed the revision of the current FTP Vision document, news from the National Support […]

June 7, 2018
Bright light for European forest-based sector at the horizon of FP9
The European Commission’s budget breakdown proposal for the next research Framework Programme, Horizon Europe, is out. Good news: From a total of around € 100 billion, it devotes € 40 billion to areas of interest for the forest-based sector. As previously presented by the Commission, Horizon Europe will mainly consist of three pillars covering “clusters” […]

June 1, 2018
European Parliament favours increased budget for research and innovation
On Wednesday 30 May, the European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution for the next multi-annual financial framework (MFF) as issued by the European Commission on 2 May. The resolution repeats the EP’s ambition to increase the financial means for research and innovation in Framework Programme 9, by at least 50%. Members of the European Parliament […]

May 28, 2018
Updates for FTP Vision and Research & Innovation Agenda Documents
As we enter the final phase of Horizon 2020, it is time for FTP to take stock and look ahead to the EU’s research and innovation framework programme 9 (FP9): Horizon Europe. In 2005 the European forest-based sector developed a bold vision, aiming at a variety of targets essential for building a new forest-based sector […]

May 2, 2018
European Commission proposes an increase in funding for research and innovation
The European Commission has now tabled its proposal for the next EU seven-year budget, the EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). It includes a €97.9 billion budget for the next research and innovation funding programme, branded Horizon Europe. The increase compared to Horizon 2020 is 30 percent, even in the context of Brexit, which is the […]

March 14, 2018
Bioeconomy-related ETPs meet with European Commission
On 28 February, nine European Technology Platforms (ETPs) operating within the bioeconomy and food value chain came together, on the invitation of the European Commission (EC), DG RTD – Directorate General for Research and Innovation. The main objective of the meeting was for the EC to gather input from the ETPs on common future research […]

Mission-oriented research and innovation in the EU
In February, Professor Mariana Mazzucato published a report on mission-oriented research and innovation in the EU. Written at the request of the Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, and as a result of her extensive research, and consultation with internal and external stakeholders, the report provides strategic recommendations on missions and how they can […]

January 29, 2018
FTP update on FP9
Since 1984 the Research and Innovation Framework Programmes (FPs) have been amongst Europe’s great successes in supporting and fostering research in Europe. The framework programmes are a clear priority for the forest-based sector, especially today, when Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) undergoes a provisional evaluation and while, at the same time, preparations are ongoing for its successor, […]

December 6, 2017
FTP AC meeting discusses future EU research and innovation opportunities and upcoming Austrian presidency
The 42nd FTP Advisory Committee (AC) meeting took place on 28 November 2017 in Brussels with the attendance of representatives from 14 countries, as well as FTP shareholders, research umbrella organizations, and observers including the European Commission. At the meeting, participants discussed FTP’s recent work and achievements, exchanged information on national activities and shared ideas […]

September 13, 2017
Demand-driven needs to steer the raw materials sector into the future
Raw material value chains in Europe must be equipped for addressing consumer- and market-driven needs, as well as the grand societal challenges in order to remain competitive and sustainable by 2050. This conclusion was the main takeaway conveyed to VERAM partners by the European Commission at the VERAM Experts’ Workshop, held in Brussels on 13 […]