Tag: Forestry
September 13, 2017
Announcement of the upcoming transnational research programme ForestValue
The new research programme ForestValue – Innovating the forest-based bioeconomy, pre-announced in early May, will focus on the bioeconomy, substitution of fossil-based raw materials and sustainable wood supply. The budget of the new programme is estimated to surpass € 30 million and includes contributions from the EU Member States, the European Commission as well as […]

February 15, 2018
2.2 Forest ecology and ecosystem services
Rationale Understanding the ecological functioning of diverse European forests is a basic requirement, not only for a healthy and resilient forest, but also for a sustainable industry based on this resource. This ecological basis, in terms of composition, structure and function is changing, however, due to human influences and environmental changes. Diverse forests provide society […]

March 7, 2017
2.4 Secured wood supply, forest operations and logistics
Rationale To maintain and strengthen the competitiveness of the European forest-based sector it is crucial to secure efficient, sustainable and high quality raw material supply. The provision of raw materials and the further development of efficient and environmentally-friendly forest operations, transport systems and management models for biomass supply chains are core activities of the forest-based […]

2.3 Enhanced biomass production
Rationale The forest-based sector contributes to the mitigation of increasing concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere by, among other things, storing carbon in sustainably-managed forests and increasing forest biomass production. The intelligent and efficient production and use of biomass are core activities of the European forest-based sector. State of the Art 2012 From a biomass […]