Tag: Forest
January 8, 2020
Seeing the forest for the trees – the multifunctional role of EU forests
Forests and the forest-based sector are recognised as essential players in responding to major societal expectations, such as those enshrined in Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement as well as the objectives of the European Green Deal. It is therefore important that all opportunities and challenges faced by the forest sector are taken […]

September 14, 2017
Building with wood the focal point of Value of Wood Forum
“I see more opportunities than challenges for the forest-based sector and this is what is exciting about this sector. My advice to you is: plant more trees, make more timber and build more homes and buildings in Europe.” With these remarks, MEP Paul Brannon wrapped up the Value of Wood Forum, that took place in […]
September 13, 2017
Announcement of the upcoming transnational research programme ForestValue
The new research programme ForestValue – Innovating the forest-based bioeconomy, pre-announced in early May, will focus on the bioeconomy, substitution of fossil-based raw materials and sustainable wood supply. The budget of the new programme is estimated to surpass € 30 million and includes contributions from the EU Member States, the European Commission as well as […]

Demand-driven needs to steer the raw materials sector into the future
Raw material value chains in Europe must be equipped for addressing consumer- and market-driven needs, as well as the grand societal challenges in order to remain competitive and sustainable by 2050. This conclusion was the main takeaway conveyed to VERAM partners by the European Commission at the VERAM Experts’ Workshop, held in Brussels on 13 […]

European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel wrestles with agreement on a European Bioeconomy Manifesto
The Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel is still struggling with the important milestone of finalizing the European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Manifesto. This document is expected to be officially published on European Bioeconomy Day, set for mid-November. With 28 “building blocks” of which three are still being debated, the Manifesto aims to express the views of all stakeholder groups […]

Take the chance of presenting at the upcoming EU-presidency event in Estonia
FTP has been assisting the Ministry of the Environment of Estonia with input to the conference Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common-use (NBS 2017), a flagship event of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which will take place on 24-26 October 2017, in Tallinn. The conference programming board has now launched […]

What to expect from the next work programme of Horizon 2020
Funding opportunities for research and innovation projects in the forest-based sector will remain a significant part of the next Horizon 2020 work programme (WP), for the period 2018-2020. “There will be a slight shift in particular work programme sections, but our evaluation is that FTP’s coordinated campaign with the NSGs, to increase the visibility of […]

The forest sector has a vast potential to provide climate benefits
The positive impact and potential of sustainable forestry in climate and energy policies should be better recognized, claimed forestry experts at a press breakfast organized at the European Forestry House (EFH) on 12 July 2017, the day after the European Parliament’s Environmental Committee (ENVI) voted on the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from the […]

February 15, 2018
2.2 Forest ecology and ecosystem services
Rationale Understanding the ecological functioning of diverse European forests is a basic requirement, not only for a healthy and resilient forest, but also for a sustainable industry based on this resource. This ecological basis, in terms of composition, structure and function is changing, however, due to human influences and environmental changes. Diverse forests provide society […]