Tag: Ecosystem services

September 13, 2017
Take the chance of presenting at the upcoming EU-presidency event in Estonia
FTP has been assisting the Ministry of the Environment of Estonia with input to the conference Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common-use (NBS 2017), a flagship event of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which will take place on 24-26 October 2017, in Tallinn. The conference programming board has now launched […]

February 15, 2018
3.3 Sustainable water stewardship
Rationale Water availability varies dramatically, both in Europe and worldwide. Some regions suffer from severe water deficit, affecting forest growth and forest stewardship. At the same time, in most cases forests are a prerequisite for the sustainable supply of water used in a great variety of processes in forest-based industries. Water supply is an ecosystem […]

2.1 Multi-purpose management of forests
Rationale European forestry has focused traditionally on sustainable wood production albeit with major differences from region to region. However, this singleuse focus does not embrace the rich offering of goods and services forests can provide, such as nature conservation, watershed management, recreation, soil preservation, raw material production and carbon sequestration. For many owners the forest […]

1.2 Citizen’s perception of the sector
Rationale Society places a deep emotional value on forests and, quite justifiably, pays close attention to the sector that depends on harvesting this re-growing resource for the supply of raw materials. The European forest-based sector needs to explain and clarify the rationale behind modern forest management and convince the public that forest raw material extraction […]

2.2 Forest ecology and ecosystem services
Rationale Understanding the ecological functioning of diverse European forests is a basic requirement, not only for a healthy and resilient forest, but also for a sustainable industry based on this resource. This ecological basis, in terms of composition, structure and function is changing, however, due to human influences and environmental changes. Diverse forests provide society […]

September 29, 2017
1.1 The performance of the sector in a perspective of global change
Rationale Raw materials, water, air, biodiversity and terrestrial ecosystems are all under pressure. The growing impacts of climate change, increasing demand for raw materials and energy, and environmental problems, such as land degradation and surface sealing, water shortages and floods, chemical pollution, and biodiversity loss, indicate that the planet is approaching the limits of sustainability. […]

March 7, 2017
3.5 New business models and service concepts
Rationale Innovative business models help to create new jobs and are a basis for a competitive and green European industry. The forest-based sector offers a broad range of businesses from the area of ecosystem services towards traditional consumer goods and bioenergy generation. Businesses aimed at broadening feedstock resources and the development of new CO2-neutral products […]