Tag: Bioenergy

September 13, 2017
Bioproduct mill starts up in Finland
The next-generation bioproduct mill in Äänekoski, Finland, came into operation on 15 August 2017, Metsä Group announced this week. With a budget of approximately € 1.2 billion, this is the largest investment of the forest-based industry in Finland. Pulp deliveries from the new mill to customers will begin in early September 2017. The bioproduct mill […]

February 15, 2018
4.3 New biobased products
Rationale Today, pulp and sawn wood are the primary products of the forestbased industries. These are further refined into a spectrum of products, ranging from commodity to consumer products (see state of the art below). The emerging biobased economy, however, demands more alternatives to current fossil based products. This opens up significant opportunities for the […]

3.2 Renewable energy solutions
Rationale Energy from renewable sources meets approximately 13% of primary energy demand in the EU, with biomass playing the greatest role (over 60%, compared to hydropower at 30%). Wood-based biomass dominates biomass resources. In order to meet the EU’s 2020 energy targets, significant amounts of (woody) biomass have to be effectively converted to green electricity, […]