September 13, 2017
European Bioeconomy Panel reaches consensus on draft Bioeconomy Manifesto
Amendments proposed by FTP helped to untangle the last critical issues in the draft Bioeconomy Manifesto under preparation by the members of the European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel during the Panel’s two-day meeting held on 6-7 July 2017. With this break-through, a signing of the Bioeconomy Stakeholders Manifesto is within reach. “A European Bioeconomy Manifesto […]

Register for the Bioeconomy Communication Workshop
Bio, what else? How to spread the word about the bioeconomy Are you passionate about the bioeconomy? Do you want to polish up your skills and learn how to better communicate about the bioeconomy? In this workshop organised as part of the umbrella event, European Biotech Week, you will discover how to create compelling stories, […]

December 31, 2018
European Bioeconomy Alliance
EUBA FTP is a founding member of the European Bioeconomy Alliance (EUBA), an informal alliance of leading European organizations representing sectors active in the bioeconomy – agriculture, forestry, biotechnology, sugar, starch, vegetable oils, pulp and paper, bioplastics and renewable ethanol. The Alliance is dedicated to mainstreaming and realizing the potential of the bioeconomy in Europe […]

Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking
BBI JU FTP played a key advisory role in establishing the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) between the EU and its partner representing industry, Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), designed to support the coherent development of Europe’s biobased economy. After the successful completion and positive results of the EU-funded research project […]

August 4, 2017
Bio-based Industries Consortium
BIC FTP is an associate member of the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC). BIC represents the private sector in the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), established in June 2014. Of the overall € 3.7 billion BBI JU budget, the contribution of BIC members for the period 2014-2020 totals €2.7 billion. The EU’s […]