
Processes4Planet Brokerage event A.SPIRE

A.SPIRE is delighted to invite you to participate in their yearly Brokerage event that will take place during the 2nd European Process Industry Conference, in Brussels on 24 October 2024. This event provides a unique platform exclusively for A.SPIRE members to network, connect, and explore potential project collaborations. 

Participants can pitch their project ideas to find the right partners for future projects. The event will provide additional value to A.SPIRE members regarding their preparation and participation in 2025 Horizon Europe calls, especially the Processes4Planet calls. Firstly, every pitcher will have 1,5 minutes to present their project idea or organisation capacities, preferably in relation to specific calls. In the second stage, networking tables will facilitate matches, and private meeting spaces will be available for further discussions. Through the B2Match platform will be possible to keep in touch and match even after the event. All A.SPIRE members are encouraged to pitch!

To reserve your place at the Brokerage and present your pitch, please complete this Matchmaking Support Form with your details at your earliest convenience as spots are limited. The information you provide will be included in a booklet distributed during the event. This booklet will help participants easily identify which pitches align with their interests and needs. 

By participating in the Brokerage, you contribute to a valuable resource that facilitates meaningful connections and supports successful partnerships within the A.SPIRE community. It’s an excellent chance to form strong consortia for Horizon Europe funded projects.

Further details will be announced soon. In the meantime, please feel free to contact Mariola Kapidani (mka@aspire2050.eu) for any questions, and make sure to save the date on your calendar.