European Bioeconomy Alliance


FTP is a founding member of the European Bioeconomy Alliance (EUBA), an informal alliance of leading European organizations representing sectors active in the bioeconomy – agriculture, forestry, biotechnology, sugar, starch, vegetable oils, pulp and paper, bioplastics and renewable ethanol. The Alliance is dedicated to mainstreaming and realizing the potential of the bioeconomy in Europe and strives to raise awareness of the benefits of the bioeconomy and biobased industries among EU, national and regional leaders. It actively advocates for a coherent, flexible and stimulating policy environment for biobased solutions.

EUBA members

Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC)
The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) is the private partner in the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), a Public Private Partnership with the European Commission. BIC represents a unique mix of sectors, including agriculture/aquaculture, agri-food, biotechnology/technology providers, forestry/pulp and paper, chemicals, energy and end-users. BIC has 108 full members (large industries, SMEs & SME clusters) and more than 150 associate members (universities, RTOs, technology platforms) that are committed to developing the European bioeconomy.

European Association of Sugar Producers (CEFS)
The Comité Européen des Fabricants de Sucre (CEFS) represents European sugar manufacturers and refiners – 62 companies across 21 EU Member States. Sugar beet is grown and processed in 19 Member States by 109 factories driving economic activity, especially in rural areas, and supporting  150 000 farms and about 180 000 direct and indirect jobs.

Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF)
The Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF) is the umbrella association of national forest owner organizations. It is the representative of family forestry in Europe, by promoting the values of sustainable forest management, private property ownership and the economic viability of forest holdings. CEPF has 23 member organizations in 19 different countries and the confederation represents the interests of 16 million forest owners who own and manage 60% of the EU’s forests.

Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI)
The Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) represents the European pulp and paper industry. Through its 18 member countries (17 EU members plus Norway) CEPI represents some 515 pulp, paper and board-producing companies, ranging from small and medium-sized companies to multinationals, as well as 950 paper mills. Together they represent 23% of world production.

European Farmers and European Agri-Cooperatives (COPA-COGECA)
Copa-Cogeca is the united voice of farmers and agri-cooperatives in the EU, representing 23 million farmers, pressing for a strong agricultural sector. COPA represents both the general and specific interests of farmers in the EU while COGECA is the main representative body for the entire agricultural and fisheries cooperative sector at EU level. COPA is made up of 60 organizations from the EU-28 and 36 partners, whilst COGECA currently has 35 full members from the EU Member States, 4 affiliated members and 36 partner organizations. 

European renewable ethanol association (ePURE)
The European renewable ethanol association (ePURE) represents the interests of European renewable ethanol producers vis-à-vis the European institutions, industry stakeholders, the media, academia and the general public. The association, established in 2010, promotes the beneficial use of ethanol throughout Europe. Based in Brussels, ePURE represents 38 member companies, with 43 production plants in 15 Member States, accounting for about 85% of the installed renewable ethanol capacity in Europe.

The European Association for Bioindustries (EuropaBio)
EuropaBio, the European Association for Bioindustries, promotes an innovative and dynamic European biotechnology industry. EuropaBio and its members are committed to the socially responsible use of biotechnology to improve the quality of life, to prevent, diagnose, treat and cure diseases, to improve the quality and quantity of food and feedstuffs and to move towards a biobased and zero-waste economy. EuropaBio represents 77 corporate and associate members and bioregions, and 16 national biotechnology associations, in turn representing over 1 800 biotech SMEs.

European Bioplastics (EUBP)
European Bioplastics (EUBP), the association representing the bioplastics industry in Europe, was founded in Germany in 1993. EUBP today represents the interests of around 70 member companies. Its members cover the entire bioplastics value chain, including agricultural feedstock, chemical and plastics industries, as well as industrial users and recycling companies that are located all over the globe and are engaged in the European market. EUBP serves as a business network as well as an information platform.

The EU Vegetable Oil and Protein Meal Industry (FEDIOL)
FEDIOL, the EU vegetable oil and protein meal industry association, represents the European oilseed crushers, vegetable oil refiners and bottlers. FEDIOL members are 12 national associations and associated company members in 5 different EU countries. With about 150 facilities in Europe, the sector provides 20 000 direct jobs. FEDIOL’s members process rapeseed, sunflower seed, soybean and linseed, converting them into oils and meal for food, feed, biofuel, bioenergy and non-energy technical uses essentially on the European market.

Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP)
FTP is the European Technology Platform for the forest-based sector. It is the meeting place for industry and forest owners to discuss and decide on common research and innovation needs for the whole sector and also a primary contact point for the European Commission with regards forest-based research and innovation.

Primary Food Processors (PFP)
Primary Food Processors (PFP) is the association for the European primary food processing industry vis-à-vis the European institutions. The primary food processing industry uses around 220 million tonnes of agricultural raw commodities (cereals, sugar beet, rapeseed, soybean, sunflower seeds, crude vegetable oil, starch potatoes, cocoa beans…) a year, employing over 120 000 people in Europe. PFP members form a vital link in the food chain, delivering efficiently produced, high quality safe food for their customers and the consumer.

European Starch Industry Association (Starch Europe)
Starch Europe is the trade association which represents the EU starch industry both at European and international levels. Its membership comprises 25 EU starch-producing companies, together representing more than 95% of the EU starch industry and, in associate membership, 7 national starch industry associations. The European starch industry manufactures over 600 products including native starches, modified starches, liquid and solid sweeteners as well as oils, proteins and fibres that are used as ingredients and functional supplements in a vast array of food, feed and industrial applications.