August 21, 2018

FTP brings the forest-based bioeconomy in Slovakia closer

NSG Slovakia is on the verge of improving strategic processes and projects in the forest-based bio-economy. From September 2018, a national FTP hub, in collaboration with the LignoSilva Center of Excellence and the BIOEAST initiative, will boost the necessary synergies between the circular economy, the bioeconomy and the forest-based sector.  The main goal of the hub […]

August 17, 2018

New record for EU funding in 2017 – € 180 million

2017 was a record year for EU research and innovation in the European forest-based sector; 61 projects funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 were launched. The projects are progressive and extremely diverse, with 18 projects related to the forestry sector, 22 related to the woodworking sector and 21 related to the pulp and […]

August 16, 2018

EU Raw Materials Week to dedicate session to forests

Following its success in 2017, the 3rd edition of EU Raw Materials Week will take place from Monday 12 to Friday 16 November 2018, in Brussels. A series of events organized by the European Commission will address the latest developments for raw materials in the EU. The raw materials community will get the chance to […]

ESA launches Call for kick-start activities in pulp & paper industry

The European Space Agency (ESA), supports European industry by developing their ideas for new business applications using space technology. Space technology can support many parts of the pulp and paper value-chain, starting right in the forest. Therefore, ESA will shortly be launching a thematic Call for kick-start activities with the theme "pulp & paper". Kick-start activities […]

July 6, 2018

FTP joins new EU project

The European wood processing industries and the waste management sector have joined forces to increase expertise of wood waste collection and recycling in the construction sector.  WoodCircus is a joint project initiative of FTP and 17 European research organizations and companies. Led by VTT (Finland), the project will evaluate the sector’s efficiency and recycling performance, […]

FTP AC meeting exchange of experiences with Textile ETP

The 44th FTP Advisory Committee (AC) meeting took place on 12 June 2018 in Brussels with the attendance of representatives from nine countries, as well as FTP shareholders, research umbrella organizations, and observers from the European Commission. At the meeting, participants discussed the revision of the current FTP Vision document, news from the National Support […]

June 7, 2018

Bright light for European forest-based sector at the horizon of FP9

The European Commission’s budget breakdown proposal for the next research Framework Programme, Horizon Europe, is out. Good news: From a total of around € 100 billion, it devotes € 40 billion to areas of interest for the forest-based sector.  As previously presented by the Commission, Horizon Europe will mainly consist of three pillars covering “clusters” […]

June 1, 2018

European Parliament favours increased budget for research and innovation

On Wednesday 30 May, the European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution for the next multi-annual financial framework (MFF) as issued by the European Commission on 2 May. The resolution repeats the EP’s ambition to increase the financial means for research and innovation in Framework Programme 9, by at least 50%. Members of the European Parliament […]

New study proves ERA-NETs and COST actions beneficial for the European forest-based sector

A newly published study by FCBA and Innovawood reveals high impact of past and existing ERA networks and COST Actions related to the European forest-based sector.  Results show the importance of these EU-funded programmes for initiating and executing future oriented forest-related research and innovation projects through transnational networks and cooperative activities. In general results provide […]

May 28, 2018

Updates for FTP Vision and Research & Innovation Agenda Documents

As we enter the final phase of Horizon 2020, it is time for FTP to take stock and look ahead to the EU’s research and innovation framework programme 9 (FP9): Horizon Europe.  In 2005 the European forest-based sector developed a bold vision, aiming at a variety of targets essential for building a new forest-based sector […]