Author: Sophie Hugon

July 1, 2021
Lena Ek steps down as Chair of FTP Board of Directors
Former Swedish Minister of Environment and current Chairperson of the Board of Södra Skogsägarna, Lena Ek has been the Chair of FTP Board of Directors since 2016. She is now stepping down and passing on the torch to Mikael Hannus, from Stora Enso. “It has been a fantastic time to be chairing FTP Board. Many […]

June 29, 2021
FTP Call Topics Manual guides you through the Horizon Europe Call topics
To support FTP stakeholders, FTP analyzed the published Work Programmes and identified the Call topics relevant for the forest-based sector. As a result, around 150 Call topics with a budget of € 2,1 billion were identified as relevant or indirectly relevant to the forest-based sector. These relevant Calls topics were mainly found under Pillar II, […]

June 25, 2021
Joint Statement: Draft new EU Forest Strategy: time to consider the opinion of EU forest and forest-based sector
After the leak of the upcoming draft EU Forest Strategy post-2020, FTP and 13 other organizations sent a joint statement to the European Commission to express their concerns. The views expressed by the sector over the last months have not been taken into consideration in the draft. In addition, the calls from the European Parliament […]

June 23, 2021
Horizon Europe Calls for 2020-2021 are now available
On 15 June 2021, the European Commission published the first Horizon Europe Work Programmes gathering the Call topics for 2021-2022 with a budget of € 14,7 billion. This first part falls within the entire approved budget of Horizon Europe amounts to € 95,5 billion for 2021 to 2027. In these first Work Programmes, various Calls […]