Author: Sophie Hugon

March 31, 2022
FTP welcomes a new member from Austria
In January, HolzCluster Steiermark became an Associate Member of FTP. It strengthens the representation of Austria in the European forest-based sector research landscape. HolzCluster Steiermark is a Wood Cluster that connects, supports and helps develop the Styrian companies in the forest-based sector on their path to success. Through their network, they encourage research, focus on […]

December 17, 2021
FTP welcomes a new member from Finland
In December, FTP welcomed the company UPM-Kymmene as Full Member. UPM is based in Finland and is a leading provider of recyclable products that are made of responsibly sourced, renewable raw materials. The company delivers responsible solutions and innovates for a future beyond fossils across six business areas: UPM Biorefining, UPM Energy, UPM Raflatac, UPM […]

December 15, 2021
CBE JU: the new partnership for the bio-based industries
The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU), successor of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) is entered into force on 30 November 2021. The CBE JU is a €2 billion partnership between the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and the European Union that will fund projects to build strong, resource-efficient and competitive bio-based industries […]

December 6, 2021
WoodCircus White Paper 2040 advocates for the roles of woodworking industries in the sustainable growth of Europe
The EU project WoodCircus, in which FTP is a partner, supports the role of the forest-based sector in the circular bioeconomy. The project published a White Paper with policy recommendations that ensure that woodworking industries contribute to the sustainable growth of Europe. As the Paper explains, “despite the strengths of the woodworking industries, the construction […]

December 1, 2021
Apply to the Canopée Challenge to promote your innovation in the forest-based sector
Xylofutur, together with Forinvest Business Angels, l’École Supérieure du Bois and Fibois France, is pleased to present the Canopée Challenge, an international competition aiming at encouraging, supporting and valuing innovation in the forest-based sector. This second edition broadens his horizons by opening an International category. The winners will benefit from national and international visibility, support, […]

October 28, 2021
Three scientists rewarded by the Marcus Wallenberg Prize 2020
The Marcus Wallenberg Prize aims to recognize, encourage and stimulate path-breaking scientific achievements, which significantly contribute to broader knowledge and/or technical development within the broad fields of interest to the forest industry. In 2020, 3 scientists were rewarded for their groundbreaking work on a model to predict forest growth in a changing climate. Due to […]

October 27, 2021
Plenty of opportunities opened up – time to apply for Horizon Europe funding
Since the publication of the funding opportunities for 2021-2022 under Horizon Europe in June, some application deadlines have already passed. But new possibilities are opening and some of them were selected in the FTP Call Topics Manual, as they could be of interest to the forest-based sector stakeholders and contribute to the development of the […]

October 25, 2021
EU funding had a limited impact on biodiversity and climate change in EU forests
The European Court of Auditors (ECA) released their analysis of the EU funding for biodiversity and climate change in EU forests for the period 2014-2020 (related to the last EU Forest Strategy). They conclude that the EU has had a positive but limited impact on protecting biodiversity and addressing climate change in EU forests. A […]

September 30, 2021
FTP welcomes a new member from Austria
FTP is delighted to welcome the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (Bundesforschungszentrum für Wald, BFW) as an Associate Member. BFW is an Austrian multidisciplinary training and research centre of the Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism. Their expertise extends over forest growth, silviculture and genetics, biodiversity and nature conservation, forest ecology and soil, forest […]

July 1, 2021
Mikael Hannus appointed as the new Chair of FTP Board of Directors
Mr Mikael Hannus, Senior Vice-President of Group Innovation, Research and Development at Stora Enso has been elected new Chairperson of FTP Board of Directors. Mikael Hannus is responsible for technology and investments within Stora Enso. That includes developing new biomaterials and chemicals. With a long experience in a variety of technology areas related to biomass […]