Johan Elvnert

Johan’s work focuses on creating the optimal conditions for dynamic European cooperation in science, technology and innovation in the forest-based sector. He is responsible for coordinating the efforts of stakeholders in 25 European countries and overseeing the implementation of the FTP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for 2020 (SRA).
Elvnert is a member of the Nordic Bioeconomy Panel and of the European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel, a position that he also held during the Panel’s first assignment period, from 2014-2015. He first joined FTP in 2008 as coordinator of the EU-funded project Star-COLIBRI, which would become the prelude to negotiations to create the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). Previously, Elvnert worked as a Detached National Expert in the European Commission’s DG Research & Innovation for four years, managing EU projects mostly related to the forest-based and process industries.
Johan Elvnert is a Swedish national. He has a master’s degree in Molecular Biotechnology Engineering from Uppsala University, School of Engineering. He is also a proud family forest owner.
Sophie Hugon