Registration is now open for the BBI JU Stakeholder Forum 2017
The BBI JU Stakeholder Forum 2017 will gather together stakeholders from across every aspect of the bio-based economy to discuss how the BBI JU programme can further contribute to the development of bio-based industries across Europe. Stakeholders are high-level decision makers and policy influencers, drawn from academia, C-level executives from across industry, EU government and local and national interests, among others. We will discuss how to best mobilise society to speed up the transformation to a bio-based economy.
The inaugural Stakeholder Forum is a one-day public event dedicated to engaging directly in dialogue with BBI JU’s stakeholders. Save the date and make sure you are part of the day in Brussels. The event will include plenary keynote speeches, high-level discussions with expert panels, thematic breakout sessions, with plenty of networking possibilities.
We welcome industry, SMEs, academia, research organisations and policy makers, thought leaders, EU community, projects’ members and bio-based industries community as a whole. Registration is free but obligatory and needs to be completed using the electronic registration tool. Places will be offered on a ‘first-come’ basis so we would advise you to register as soon as possible.
More information as well as the agenda are all available on the website.