Dinner Debate hosted by Lieve Wierinck, MEP
At European Parliament, Brussels
Join to discuss how to ensure that publicly funded bioeconomy research has a positive impact on society in the European Parliament on Wednesday, 28 June 2017.
The dinner debate will be hosted by MEP Lieve Wierinck, member of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee, and shadow rapporteur on the European Parliament’s assessment of the implementation of Horizon 2020.
The event will you the opportunity to debate the barriers to achieving impact from research results, the most appropriate ways to support result commercialisation, and the necessary features of the Horizon 2020 follow-up programme.
Register here and see the full programme.
The debate will be animated by the partners of the ProBIO project that has explored over 400 projects funded by the Knowledge Based Bioeconomy (KBBE) FP7 Programme with a view to identifying the most advanced research results, and provide result owners with individual coaching to help them to commercialise their products and services.