In three intensive days, the 7th edition of the Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), that finished on 30 March 2017 in Stockholm, showcased the latest innovative, wood-based biorefineries, novel production processes and evolving concepts of biorefineries.
A flagship concept, the industrial ecosystems around the bioproduct mill that Metsä Fibre is finalising in Äänekoski (Finland) was highlighted by the company’s Vice President for Research and FTP’s Advisory Committee Chair Niklas von Weymarn in his keynote speech at the opening session of NWBC. “Today’s innovations are made by working together. The only way to be successful in R&D is by allowing the best competencies of companies, small and large, research organisations as well as public funding providers work together”, he affirmed. “In the forest-based sector activities should be focused on good forest management practices and steering wood to applications, in which the substitution level compared to fossil counterparts is the highest”, he completed.

Organized jointly by the research institutes RISE (formerly Innventia) and VTT, the conference also covered other new research results and industrial experiences related to biorefining based on wood and on pulp mills, in dedicated sessions on chemicals, new materials, innovative fuels as well as on themes related to sustainability.