FTP recommendations for the next Horizon 2020 Work Programme released

Aiming to ensure that the sector’s research interests and innovation ambitions are integrated into the scope of the next Work Programme, forest-based sector stakeholders together with FTP prepared: FTP Recommendations for the Work Programme 2018-2020 of Horizon 2020.

The FTP Recommendations identify some 90 research and innovation areas of major concern for the European forest-based sector, such as innovative products, materials, processes and market solutions, with the potential to trigger enormous socio-economic and environmental transformation in the next 5-10 years. 

The recommendations consist of four thematic position papers, in which priority research and innovation areas are described under the Work Programmes of highest relevance to the sector:

NMBP: Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing

Societal Challenge 2: Food Security, Sustainable Agricultrue and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inlad Water Research and the Bioeconomy 

Societal Challenge 3: Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy

Societal Challenge 5: Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials 

FTP Recommendations for the Work Programme 2018-2020 of Horizon 2020 provides appropriate support to all FTP network partners engaged with advocacy actions during the programming period, in several bilateral and committee meetings occurring in most EU countries. 

The material is the result of an inclusive and transparent consultation process that involved nearly 500 forest-based sector stakeholders from 15 countries in mapping, ranking and compiling the innovation needs of the sector to be realised still within the framework of Horizon 2020.