During the BBI InfoDay and Brokerage Event that took place in Brussels on 28 April 2017, the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) delivered a strong message on the increasing importance of describing the impact of research proposals submitted in the competitive Calls of the BBI JU Call 2017. Providing convincing statements to explain how the proposed work goes beyond the state-of-the-art, also using qualitative and quantitative information, is a strategic choice which will raise the chance of a successful proposal. On the impact score, which has a maximum of 5 points, and a threshold of 4 points, the impact assessment has a weighting factor of 1.5.
With an indicative budget of € 81 million, the BBI JU Call 2017 comprises 16 Call topics of which seven are relevant for the forest-based sector and contribute to implementing FTP’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for 2020 (SRA). Submission of proposals will be accepted until 7 September 2017. Check the BBI JU FAQs for Call 2017.
A successful and steady participation of the forest-based sector in the competitive BBI JU Calls has been seen since the first Calls issued in 2014. Forest-based consortia are carrying out projects on the following budget lines of the BBI JU: Research and Innovation Actions, Demonstration Actions, Flagship Actions.
“The bioeconomy is moving from aspiration to realization thanks to the mechanisms put in place through the BBI JU and its capacity to gather expertise, creativity and technological know-how to quickly drive the bioeconomy revolution in Europe”, affirmed John Bell, Director of Bioeconomy of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD).

During the event, the Executive Director of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Dirk Carrez, also explained the main changes of the updated Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SIRA).

The BBI JU Call 2017 continues to focus on proposals that evidence high technology readiness levels (TRL) and that are dedicated to developing new biobased value chains in Europe, biorefining technologies, as well as optimising feedstock use and accelerating market acceptance of biobased products. Download the detailed Annual Work Plan and Budget for the BBI JU.